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Notice-Lien For Repairs


[First Name of Recipient] [Last Name of Recipient]
[Company Name of Recipient]
[Street Address of Recipient]
[City of Recipient], [State of Recipient]
[Zip Code of Recipient]
[Country of Recipient]

Dear [Mr./Mrs.] [Last Name of Recipient]:

This is to notify that the undersigned, [Name of Repairer], located at [Address of Repairer], claims a lien on your [Description of Goods] [add: pursuant to (statute) if statutory authority exists for lien].

The undersigned performed the following duties on the described property: [Description of Duties performed]. The following items were also supplied by the undersigned in working on the property:

Item Quantity Price
[Item 1] [Quantity 1] $ [Price 1]
[Item 2] [Quantity 2] $ [Price 2]
[Item 3] [Quantity 3] $ [Price 3]

Total $ [Total Price of Items]

The work was completed on [Date Work was Completed], and the property remains unclaimed and in the possession of the undersigned.

The undersigned performed the duties [pursuant to a written or a oral agreement/contract establishing a price] of $ [Price Established] dollars.

After deducting all offsets and credits, the amount still unpaid and owing, is $ [Amount Owed] dollars.

You may redeem your property by paying the above amount [Days to Pay] days after the [Mailing or posting] of this notice. The property will be sold if it is not redeemed within the specified time. The property will be sold at [Place of sale], on [Date of Sale], at [Time of Sale], This will be subtracted from the amount claimed by the undersigned. The costs incurred by the undersigned in the above mentioned process will be deducted from any amount that remains after the lien has been paid. Any remaining amount will be mailed to you at [Address to send balance].

Signature Date

Signature Date